Cover Letter

Top Job Coaching coach


While some now question the value of Cover Letters, they help make that first all-important impression.  They’re your personal introduction to the reader and need to be customised for each role to highlight relevant key points that promote how you best match the opportunity.

You are to confirm the name and contact details of the person to whom the letter will be addressed – usually a simple phone call to the organisation is all that is required to gain this, or some research using LinkedIn.

PRO TIP: NEVER EVER use ‘Dear Sir/Madam’.  This shows that you haven’t been bothered to do any research about the organisation – not a great start to your personal introduction!

Please provide your CV and the job advertisement for one specific position. Client is to confirm the name and contact details of the person to whom the letter will be addressed.

Full payment required at time of booking.  1 x A4 page.  Up to and including 3 revisions if required.


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