Email Address Tips

A tip about your email address when applying for a job: Send your job search messages from a serious address, like “LyndaBundock@…” or with a little marketing added, “LyndaBundock-MBA@…” Don’t use your...

What’s Your Aim?

I’m reading this great book at the moment, written by Matthew Michalwicz, titled “Life in Half a Second”. He’s one of the best speakers I’ve heard in years. He has a great take on goals and success, which I’ll share here:...

Protect Your Interests

Always get your new job offer in writing before you do anything about leaving your previous employer! When you’re in the exciting phase of being interviewed and hailed as the potential new employee, it’s easy to get complacent and overlook certain...

10 Seconds!

Remember that an interviewer will be making a decision about your resume in the first 10 seconds – either ‘yes’ to read on, or ‘no’. You have 10 seconds to really make an impact, so what information do you have in the first third of your...

Quantify your results

When putting together your resume, try to quantify your results as much as possible. This makes for much more compelling reading, and demonstrates that you can use key skills. For example: instead of saying: ‘Added to sales revenue and expanded account...